Solidarität Ukraine
Unterstützung der Ukraine: Statement der Unionspräsidentin
Dear Friends,
Dear Soroptimists,
For years we have had a special relationship with you, and several women from the Union, but also from the clubs, have carried out projects with you, projects of course linked to the possibility of living in peace, to the chance of living without fear, to the possibility of sharing our Soroptimist values.
And this morning (February 24, 2022), suddenly everything is broken, the threat of conflict becomes a reality… the war is here, on our doorstep, and so close to us… You must be terrified, full of anxiety, but maybe also full of hope that all these men will change their minds, accept to discuss, accept to have women at the negotiation table.
So, in solidarity with you, we decided tonight that we would do something, that we would wait for your demands, and that we would respond as sisters, as Soroptimists.
I send you my strength, my energy, but also my sadness and sorrow, which is shared by all the members of our Swiss Union. Be strong!!!
Brigitte Mantilleri
President of the Swiss Union
Wir sind solidarisch – wir sammeln für die Ukraine
Die Schweizer Union von Soroptimist International zeigt sich solidarisch mit der ukrainischen Zivilbevölkerung und sammelt Spenden zugunsten von kriegsbetroffenen Frauen und Kindern. Benötigt werden derzeit medizinische Hilfsgüter und finanzielle Unterstützung – dank der Verbindung mit Polen und ukrainischen Clubs erfolgt unsere Soforthilfe direkt vor Ort. Dazu kommt uns die seit über 20 Jahren bestehende Partnerschaft (Twinning) mit der Ukraine zugute.
Kontakt: Sina Stiffler, SI Club Chur,
Mehr Informationen zu Solidarität Ukraine gibt es hier.
Soroptimist International Union Schweiz
Hörnliweg 5, CH-5304 Endingen
Aargauische Kantonalbank
Konto Nr. 6412.5358.2002 (in CHF)
IBAN CH 770076 1641 2535 82002